Friday, January 2, 2015

In Sickness and In Health

Everybody is being plagued by sickness these days. The Flu, a sinus infection or the Stomach Bug. It is tough. You can take the little ones to the doctor but oftentimes are told "it is viral, it just has to run it's course". So you, as a mom, are stuck watching your little ones suffer and cleaning up the mess. Well, I have found a better way. And, I am going to share it with you.

Have you ever heard of Essential Oils? Snake oils, Hippie Oils? Yes, they are out there and yes they work. They have given me back control over my family's health. Now, do we still go to the doctor? Of course, when we need to we go. But we no longer rush to the pediatrician for every cough and every sniffle. We are able to use all natural oils in the comfort of our home to sooth many ailments that would have previously landed us in the doctor's office.

So how do they work? Good question. Here is a really simple graphic that breaks it down.
Now for me, there are a ton of really big words there. But I get the gist. Here is another one that reads a little easier. 
All right so are you with me so far? Good. Now I have a family of five. All 3 of my children are 6 or under. Do you know what that means? The share and swap everything. So when one gets sick, yes you got it, they all get sick! That used to mean 3 trips to the doctor, 3 co-pays and 3 prescriptions. Now, it usually means 3 drops of oil a day. Pretty impressive right. 

So here is another tidbit about my little old life. 2 of my 3 children have Autism. They both are high functioning and do extremely well in school. But it does rear it's ugly head at times in terms of focus and settling down when necessary. This in another area that I have found my essential oils to be invaluable. A little wild orange or peppermint in the diffuser and the calmness and focus envelops us within about 10 minutes. We are good to go with studying and homework. Autism also presents its own set of problems with digestion and immunity. We struggle with both. Thankfully, once again I have my oils to the rescue. 

I chose to go with doTERRA Essential Oils because they are CPTG and many of the oils can be ingested and cooked with. I also wanted to ensure purity because I knew that I would be using these oils on my babies. I had to be certain that they were safe. I have been and continue to be astounded by the role that my oils play in our everyday life. I welcome you to join us on this journey. If you are interested or even curious about what essential oils can do for you, check them out. Contact me, I would love to send you a sample to try. You can go directly to and just take a look around. Ask me questions, ask others. There are so many testimonials out there.

Lastly, I want to share the amazing promotion that doTERRA is offering this month. The New Year New You promotion is a fantastic way for you to get started using essential oils. And it is simple. Place a qualifying order of 100PV or more in January, have a 100LRP order in February and earn 100 in FREE Oils. That's it! 
This is an amazing offer and a great time to get your family started on essential oils. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

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