Thursday, January 1, 2015

Be Kind To You in 2015

So today marks the beginning of 2015, a new year, new opportunities and all that comes with that. Let me give you a little background about me. I am a mom to three beautiful wonderful children. I have twin boys who are six years old and a daughter who is 5 years old. I am happily married to my husband of 8 years. We also share our home with a Rhodesian Ridgeback named Rebel. I am really looking forward to the new year. I am happy to begin anew. 2014 revealed many great things to us. We saw great progress in both Aaron and Andrew. They began the 2014 school year in separate classes and time has shown that this was one of the best decisions we could have made for them. Each of them have grown into their own unique personalities and have revealed themselves, mostly in a fantastic nature, others not so much! Ashlyn has also grown so much from a toddler still learning about the world to a kindergartner who loves reading and shows great empathic tendencies towards others.

I hope to accomplish many things through this blog journey. I want to connect with others on their journey where ever you are out there. Parenting is very rewarding but also very challenging. I would love to be able to offer comfort and understanding to others that you are not alone in this journey. Yes, there are days when you are going to feel like you have managed to mess up everything, but tomorrow you can try again.

A great friend of mine gave me some very sage advice. Since we tend to be so critical of ourselves and we really beat ourselves up she asked me to stop and think about something. She asked me if I would ever speak to my daughter the way I was speaking to myself. I immediately said a resounding NO! So she asked me, Why I would speak to myself so harshly?

So for this first day of 2015, I want you to think of that when those negative voices rise up in your head. Stop and visualize your very favorite person, someone you love so dearly and stop, ask yourself, would you speak to them so harshly? If your answer is a resounding NO as mine was, then stop talking to yourself that way. You are worthy of that same love that you bestow on others. Be kind to you to.

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