Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What's On Your List

Lists, we all have them. Grocery lists, chore lists. honey do lists. I could go on and on. For many of us things would simply not get done without our lists. But I have to pose a question here. Are your lists fulfilling you? Do they serve any higher purpose than to just receive a check mark and then be discarded? While it may be gratifying to see the lists dwindle down and become smaller, at the end of the day did you actually serve someone other than yourself? What if I gave you a new list?

Can you be gracious and display a servant's heart? It is difficult in this day and age to attempt to find time within our day to help one another, to spread joy and cheer or even to let those closest to us know that they are appreciated and loved just because they are special can seem like an overwhelming task. It is something to think about. We are in such a fast paced setting and always on the go. It is easy to lose touch and forget how much kind words and a smile can mean to those who so rarely get either of those things.

And what about yourself? Do you take the time to give yourself the love that you are also deserving of? As a mother, I tend to put myself and my needs on the back burner so that everyone else is taken care of. At the end of the day, I often have little or nothing left to give myself because I have spent the day rushing around to get my "lists" checked off and make sure that everything was done and that everyone was taken care of. Does that sound familiar to you?

If we can stop, even for a brief moment, and accept the extra hug that a child is offering us. The smile that the stranger is offering in the middle of the tantrum at the grocery store. We can actually put down the phone when our spouse is trying to talk to us instead of trying to listen with one ear. We need to reconnect with each other and just slow down, even if just for a bit.

I want you to just think about that. Just think about taking 5 genuine minutes with your child, your children, your spouse or best friend. Even your parent or sibling. How about 5 minutes with God. 5 minutes to re-connect with each other's hearts. I think you will be amazed at how you will feel after taking this time. And, once you see how good it feels, you will want to do it more and more. Take 5 minutes to yourself. Meditate, breathe deeply, picture yourself somewhere beautiful and just relax.

Taking this time can reconfigure your entire day. It can help you be less anxious, less stressed and feel better overall. You are worth it.

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